An Innovative Approach to

Traditional Daycare

Sproutlings combines our unique location with a state-of-the-art facility filled with experienced, enthusiastic care providers. Our day care program is thoughtfully designed and sure to be a place where your child can’t wait to go each day. The Sproutlings formula for success is a combination of three vital components:

What Makes Sproutlings Stand Out

Sproutlings provides a unique opportunity for medically-fragile and traditional children to interact and learn in the same environment under a high-quality curriculum.


Day Care and Preschool Tuition Costs

$317 per week

Ages 6 weeks to 2 years (Caterpillars through Blue Jays)

$303 per week

Ages 2 years to 4+ years (Robins through Prekindergarten)

Additional Children

Families with more than one child attending will receive a 10% discount off the oldest child’s tuition. Families with more than two children attending will also receive 5% discount off of the second oldest child’s tuition.

Have more questions?

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Part of Masonic Homes Kentucky’s family of services. Passport, Humana CareSource, Humana Medicaid, Anthem Medicaid, Waiver Medicaid and private pay accepted. Sproutlings Pediatric Day Care & Preschool does not discriminate against any applicant based on race, creed, national origin, sex, disability or affiliation.