Sproutlings Day Care & Preschool Classroom
Sproutlings Day Care & Preschool Fun

A Community Like No Other

Our Location

Conveniently located in Louisville’s historic Crescent Hill community, Sproutlings is part of Masonic’s bustling 82-acre Louisville Campus. With more than 13,000 sq. ft. of space, Sproutlings’ interior provides a comfortable, inviting and happy place for children to thrive. Everything from the classrooms, to the cafeteria, to the play areas for each age group, is designed with all children in mind.

One-of-a-kind amenities

Every detail and space at Sproutlings creates a safe and memorable experience. Our unique amenities give children positive stimulation that will keep their attention day after day, including

  • indoor/outdoor play area accessible for all children
  • specialized classrooms for each age group and needs
  • art space
  • Snoezelen room
  • a beautiful, active campus rich with history

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Sproutlings Day Care & Preschool

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Part of Masonic Homes Kentucky’s family of services. Passport, Humana CareSource, Humana Medicaid, Anthem Medicaid, Waiver Medicaid and private pay accepted. Sproutlings Pediatric Day Care & Preschool does not discriminate against any applicant based on race, creed, national origin, sex, disability or affiliation.